Notre Dame Hospice Care provides comfort, compassion, companionship, and support to patients nearing the end of life and their family members when a treatment or cure for an underlying disease is no longer available. Services are delivered by a dedicated team of health care professionals who focus on addressing physical, mental, social and spiritual needs to improve quality of life.
Notre Dame Hospice is a Medicare-certified hospice provider that has been delivering hospice services to individuals in personal homes, other nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, or wherever patients call home, since 2007.
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From that moment, we have been committed to the belief that there is a lot of living to be accomplished during the final stages of life.
Because of this belief, we bring a comfortable, compassionate and holistic approach to support while caring for individuals of all ages as they approach the end of life. The Notre Dame Hospice Team also provides companionship for those we serve and their families, helping to ease the transition for all involved.
This team is composed of:
The Hospice Team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
At Notre Dame Hospice, we provide 24-hour, on-call availability to provide comfort and peace of mind to the patient and their family.
Our Adult & Pediatric Hospice Care Teams are available to care for individuals across a wide geographical area in Massachusetts.
Notre Dame Health Care is the only Pediatric Palliative Care and Hospice Care provider in Central Massachusetts.
Hospice is a service that is provided in personal homes, nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, board and care facilities, or wherever a patient calls home.
Hospice Care serves anyone whose doctor has determined a disease prognosis of six months or less provided the disease process runs its expected course.
Like Palliative Care, Hospice Care provides comprehensive comfort care as well as support for the family. However, in Hospice Care, the focus is no longer on curative treatments or prolonging life. Hospice Care focuses on comfort and achieving the highest quality of life for each individual.
We know that paying for Hospice Care is a topic that can cause stress. We’re here to help. Our Hospice Care at home is covered by:
Please contact a member of our team or your insurance company for more details.
Yes, our Hospice Care Team will work in collaboration with your primary care and specialty care physicians to ensure the best support possible.
While Notre Dame Hospice embraces the Catholic health care tradition, we are committed to providing services for patients and families of all faiths, ensuring dignity and respect for individual needs and choice.
Anyone can refer someone to Hospice Care, including:
When you contact us, we will ask you a range of questions to determine how we can best support you or your loved one during this time. These questions may include:
Phone (508) 852-5505